Stockholm University
3 files

Data from: HistMapR: Rapid digitization of historical land-use maps in R

Version 2 2017-04-06, 12:47
Version 1 2017-02-23, 12:56
posted on 2017-04-06, 12:47 authored by Alistair G AuffretAlistair G Auffret, Adam Kimberley, Jan Plue, Helle Skånes, Simon Jakobsson, Emelie Waldén, Marika Wennbom, Heather Wood, James M Bullock, Sara A O Cousins, Mira Gartz, Danny A P Hooftman, Louise Tränk
This dataset includes a detailed example for using our method (described in paper linked to below) to digitize historical land-use maps in R.

We also release all of the Swedish land-use maps that we digitized for this project. This includes the Economic Map of Sweden (Ekonomiska kartan) over Sweden's 15 southernmost counties (7069 25 km2 sheets), plus 11 sheets of the District Economic Map (Häradsekonomiska kartan - but see for more accurate manual digitization).

Här kan du ladda ner 7069 Ekonomiska kartblad som vi digitaliserade över södra Sverige. En kort beskrivning av metoden publicerades i tidningen Kart & Bildteknik (se länk nedan).

Version 2: The digitized Economic Maps have been resampled so that they are all at a 1m resolution. In the original version they were all very close to 1m but not exactly the same, which made mosaicking difficult. This should be easier now. We now also link to the published paper in Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

For more information, please see the readme file. For help or collaboration, please contact If you use the data here in your work or research, please cite the publication appropriately.


Swedish research council Formas 2015-1065


Author ORCID
