posted on 2024-10-25, 11:36authored byUwe RingUwe Ring, Johannes Glodny
This data supplement item accompanies a paper we submitted to Tectonics. Described is the methodology, the dated samples, sample preparation and the Rb-Sr data table. In the data table the used masses of Rb and Sr, as well as the Rb-Sr ratios of the white-mica fractions, apatite and the titanite+zircon concentrate are listed. These values allow to reconstruct the mineral isochron we show in the accompanying article.
Vetenskapsrådet grant 2021-04075
Original title
Bivergent extension in the southern Cyclades
Original language
Associated Publication
Ring & Glodny 2024: Bivergent extension in the southern Cyclades. Submitted to Tectonics.
Affiliation (institution of first SU-affiliated author)
464 Institutionen för geologiska vetenskaper (IGV) | Department of Geological Sciences