Stockholm University
2 files

Functional annotation of the nodule transcriptome of the actinorhizal hosts Datisca glomerata and Ceanothus thyrsiflorus.

posted on 2018-08-28, 01:16 authored by Marco Guedes SalgadoMarco Guedes Salgado
The nodule transcriptome of Datisca glomerata was de novo assembled by Trinity and annotated using the Trinotate pipeline. Transcript abundance was estimated by RSEM and presented as transcript per million reads (TPM) for five independent samples.


Swedish Research Council Vetenskapsradet (VR 2012-03061 to Katharina Pawlowski)


Original title

Actinorhizal Cucurbitales vs. Rosales: comparative analysis of the nodule transcriptomes of Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (Rhamnaceae, Rosales) and Datisca glomerata (Datiscaceae, Cucurbitales)

Original language

  • English

Associated Publication

Actinorhizal Cucurbitales vs. Rosales: comparative analysis of the nodule transcriptomes of Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (Rhamnaceae, Rosales) and Datisca glomerata (Datiscaceae, Cucurbitales)