Stockholm University
36 files

Village landscapes classified into social-ecological patches

posted on 2022-02-21, 14:01 authored by Hanna SinareHanna Sinare, Garry D. Peterson, Lowe Börjeson, Line J. Gordon
The following .tif files are named with village name and year, and are raster files where we have classified each 100x100 meter cell of the village landscapes into SEPs through a visual, manual interpretation of aerial photographs and satellite images in ArcGIS 10.3 software (ESRI 2013).
These files are read and analyzed using the R code for analysis of historic generation of ecosystem services in village landscapes [] and
Tables for calculating change in generation of ecosystem services over time []



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Associated Publication

Sinare, H., G. D. Peterson, L. Börjeson, and L. J. Gordon. 2022. Ecosystem services in Sahelian village landscapes 1952–2016: estimating change in a data scarce region. Ecology and Society 27(3):1.

Affiliation (institution of first SU-affiliated author)

  • 481 Stockholms Resilienscentrum | Stockholm Resilience Centre


  • public