Teacher Attitude to Inclusion Scale – Swedish version (TAIS-Sw) är en enkät som syftar till att fånga lärares attityd om skolans förmåga att möta barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Den består av med 30 påståenden som skattas på en 8-gradig intervallskala.
Doctoral programme in Special Education directed towards Early Interventions in Early Childhood Education
Fohlin, L., Westling Allodi, M., & Sedem, M. (2024) Collective teacher efficacy and its relationship to attitudes to inclusion of students with special educational needs in Sweden. European Journal of Special Needs Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/08856257.2024.2380592
Affiliation (institution of first SU-affiliated author)
317 Specialpedagogiska institutionen | Department of Special Education