Stockholm University

The Role of ConsensualUnions in Romanian TotalFertility

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posted on 2021-05-07, 15:32 authored by Jan M. Hoem, Cornelia Mureşan
The purpose of the present paperis to complete previous analyses of duration-based Total FertilityRates specific for union types (TUFRs) as contained in the Romanian Generations and Gender Survey. Thepresent analysiscovers the period 1965-2005, going back twentymoreyears than before. It reproduces negativeeducational gradients in fertility, now for women in consensual unions and in direct marriages, separately. Partnered Romanian women haveahigh duration-based Total Fertility Rateeven when they are enrolled in education. Forwomen with a low educational attainmentwe find that the total fertility in marital and in cohabitational unions are largely of the same size order.The Total Fertility Rate fora consensual union that is converted into a marriage appears as a contribution from the cohabitational period added to a separatecontribution from the marital period.


Stockholm University

Max Planck Gesellschaft




Original title

The Role of ConsensualUnions in Romanian TotalFertility

Original language

  • English

Publication date


Affiliation (institution of first SU-affiliated author)

  • 310 Sociologiska institutionen | Department of Sociology