Data from: Past and present management influences the seed bank and seed rain in a rural landscape mosaic Alistair G. Auffret & Sara A.O. Cousins Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University, Sweden These are the raw data from the publication Auffret, A.G., Cousins, S.A.O., 2011, Past and present management influences the seed bank and seed rain in a rural landscape mosaic, Journal of Applied Ecology, 48, 1278-1245. Files: Auffret_Cousins_2010_data.csv - The data file. Columns are as follows: Source: Bank = seed bank (seeds present in the soil), Rain = seed rain (seeds arriving to seed traps), Vegetation = plant species in the established vegetation. Habitat: ABA = abandoned semi-natural grassland, FAF = grazed former arable field, MFI = mid-field islet, SNG = grazed semi-natural grassland. Site: 1-10 = Site number for each habitat. Plot: 1-100 = Each site consisted first of a 10m x 10m square. Each 1m2 within this square was numbered 1-100, left to right and row by row. Each site had 30 plots which were randomly selected from these 100. 1010 (vegetation only) = additional species if present in the established vegetation within the 100m2 site but not within any of the 30 plots. 3030 = additional species if present in established vegetation within the 30m x 30m square in which the 100m2 site was in the centre. Some seed traps and seed bank samples disappeared during sampling, so there are not always 30 samples for each source in each site. Species: Species name. Some species were aggregated. Count: The number of seedlings (bank and rain) and presence (vegetation) of the given species - i.e. vegetation can only be 1. Seedbank_studysites.shp (.shx, .prj, .dbf) - ESRI shapefile showing locations of the sites taken with GPS. Coordinate system is SWEREF 99 (EPSG: 3006). Please consult to the original article for full sampling information. Please note that this is not *exactly* the same data set that was used for the analysis for the above paper. Some unmarked samples or missing plots that were pieced together to be of some use by the authors have been removed to make the published dataset more useful for others. Please contact Alistair Auffret ( or Sara Cousins ( for information or collaboration. Please cite the original article when using these data.