alexis_110 = loudspeaker experiment alexis_111 = vocalization experiment #datasets data_sound_analysis: it contains the rawdata of the click's acoustic analysis. raw_data_loudspeaker_experiment: it contains data rawdata needed to create Fig 5. raw_data_vocalization_experiment: it contains data rawdata needed to create Fig 6. alexis111_self_generated: list of calculated thresholds for Fig 6. It simplfies the coding and analysis. Echobot_analysis_script: R script that analysis Fig 5 and Fig 6 data. #Code_book Numbers on the left just indicate the row number. id = participant's identification code. It goes from 8001 (first participant) to 8015 (last participant). date = year, month, and day the trial was recorded. time = specific hour, minute, and second the trial was recorded. session = number of the session. It goes from 1 to 12 sessions. trial = number of the trial per session. correct = correct answer (0 means non-reflecting disc, while 1 means reflecting disc). increment = amount of meters gained when the answer is correct, or amount of meters lost when the answer is incorrect. distance = currect location of the Echobot on the rail in meters. trend = staircase increase or decrease. 1 = Echobot moves farther, -1 Echobot moves closer. reversal = trial where reversal happened. It goes from 1 to 12 per session. sdt = type of response. fa = false alarm, cr = correct response, m = miss, and h = hit. alexis110_individual_thresholds_loudspeaker: id = participant's identification code. It goes from 8001 (first participant) to 8015 (last participant). session = number of the session. It goes from 1 to 12 sessions. th = mean threshold per session expressed in meters. Dates are the same ones than in Alexis110_alldata. alexis110_self_generated Numbers on the left just indicate the row number. id = participant's identification code. It goes from 7001 (first participant) to 7003 (last participant). session = number of the session. It goes from 1 to 12 sessions. th = mean threshold per session expressed in meters. IMPORTANT! 0.70m should be substracted of every th to adjust for the participant's real distance from the Echobot. alexis110 & alexis111 scripts: #scripts & sound files btaddr= Echobot object calibrate1 = calibration script generates a 1 kHz tone for 60 s. calibrate2 = calibration script presents the click 10 times in a row, separated by 1 s. calibrate3 = This script presents the click at various distances. demo = plays a signal with the disk located at closets distance. On odd trials in non-reflecting position and on even trials in reflecting position. E1 = click signal taken from Thaler et al., 2017: click EE1. echobot_client = library that moves the Echobot. echobot_masker = masking noise. It sounds when the Echobot moves. Loudspeaker_experiment = The echobot experiment with loudpseaker (Alexis110). mn = Useful functions for sound experiments. parameters = general settings for pratice and demo. parameters_110 = general settings for Alexis110. parameters_111 = general settings for Alexis111. practice = practice session of the Echobot. runexp_stimuli = Simulation to determine expected threshold for a random responder. Vocalization_experiment = The echobot experiment with vocalizations (Alexis111). # sounds recordings zfel = voice recoring saying "wrong" zratt = voice recoring saying "right" zslut_kort = voice recoring saying "time for a short break" zstlug_lang = voice recoring saying "time for a long break" ztack = voice recoring saying " That's it for today, thanks for your work" # For acoustic analysis All the take2 recordings: wav files used for the acoustic analysis. a110_sound_analys_fig3: R script to create Fig 3. a110_sound_analys_fig4: R script to create Fig 4. a110_soundanalys_data: sound analysis data of recordings in the Echobot. files_fixed: needed for runnig script a110_sound_analys_fig3.