These are raw data files from the Magellan telescopes, MagE spectrograph, that are used in Rivera-Thorsen et al. 2019 (Science). All individual science integrations are included, as well as all the calibration frames: blueflat, redflat, bias, ThAr lamps, order definition flats, and flux calibration stars. Directories include data from three observing runs; the directory name gives the month and year the observations were obtained. All observations are of the galaxy known as the "Sunburst Arc", discussed in Rivera-Thorsen et al. 2019. The slit positions are as follows: - Img 1 / slit H-9 from August 2018 - Img 5 / slit "1" from May 2017 - Img 8 / slit H-2 from April 2018 - Img 10 / slit H-6 from April 2018 - No LyC slit H-3 from April 2018 Readme file prepared by Dr. Jane Rigby, Oct 1 2019.